Following the recent update on last year's Postal competitions, I have now been provided with some badges by the Organiser for the successful Recurve Frostbite team who won Division 24 - Burleigh "B" Team. Given the way we put the teams together, see the last update, and the limited number of badges provided (4), I have decided to present them to those who most often represented the "B" team. I understand that this is far from ideal but it does at least reward those who most often contributed to the "B" Team's success. Of the 5 matches shot, the following represented us the most and will receive a medal in the post: Phil J, who shot 4 times Richard A, who shot 3 times Bob M, who shot 3 times Adam E, who shot twice The remaining members who bolstered the team each did so for a single match and were: Mike C Barry W Andy C Well done to all and thank you for continuing to support the Postal Competitions.
- Kevin, Postal Competition Secretary