Bowmen of Burleigh are hosting the Stan Boatman Memorial Friendly on Sunday 14th August.
All rounds will be 10-zone scoring on 122cm faces, 6 arrows per end. Ends will be
shot in details, depending of numbers of applicants this will either be 2 or 3 archers
per detail
There are 4 rounds available which are open to any competitor.
The rounds are: -
WA900 - 2.5dozen (30 arrows) at 60m, 50m and 40m, max score 900
Berkshire900 - 2.5dozen (30 arrows) at 50m, 40m and 30m, max score 900
Burleigh900 - 2.5dozen (30 arrows) at 40m, 30m and 20m, max score 900
Mini900 - 2.5dozen (30 arrows) at 30m, 20m and 10m, max score 900
Entry fee £5 per archer.
Tea/Coffee/Cake available all day to purchase.
BBQ will be available at lunchtime to purchase.
For more info download the details and the entry form: